We’re all drawn to fitness promotions by the sleek bodies portrayed in ads. buns of steal

8 Ways Exercise Can Change Your Life

Deborah Brooks, CSCS, CPT

We’re all drawn to fitness promotions by the sleek bodies portrayed in ads. Promises of 6 pack abs and buns of steel lure millions of us into signing up for gym memberships, buying exercise gear and calling 800 numbers seen on fitness infomercials, daily.  Hey, we all want to look great in our jeans, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, more often than not, the lure of looking good soon fades. And what happens?  We end up with dusty fitness DVDs, a treadmill clothes rack or a gym card buried somewhere in the junk drawer.images-3

Sound familiar?  How do we overcome the malaise that sets in once the initial excitement of getting in shape passes? Easy. We change our thinking. The best results of exercise are those that are internal, the changes occurring under your skin that you can’t see.  Research shows that those of us who focus more on the health benefits of exercise as opposed to the visual results have better long term compliance. That means focusing your mental energy on how you’ll feel as opposed to how you’ll look.  There’s nothing more addicting than feeling good.


Here are 8 ways that working out will definitely help you feel better, both short and long term. Use this list to motivate you to pop in that DVD, go for a run or walk, take an exercise class or drive to the gym for a great workout, even when you’re dog tired after a long day.



1 – Increases circulation and blood flow throughout the body. This is the key to the many benefits of exercise, whether you do hardcore cardiovascular workouts, strength training, practice yoga or go for a walk. Improved circulation will perfuse oxygen rich blood to nerve endings, muscles, the heart, skin and all other vital organs for better function.


2 –Helps you sleep when you want to sleep. Exercise is known to reduce stress, the number one reason most of us can’t get to sleep or stay asleep. Millions of us are popping sleep aids to get some shuteye every night. Get in a good workout 3-5 times a week and you’ll be lost in dreamland as your head hits the pillow.


3 –Helps you stay focused and alert at work and at daily tasks.  Improved circulation to the cardiovascular system and to the brain helps give you more energy, which in turn helps you stay focused. Plus, if you’re sleeping better at night you’ll have more stamina and better concentration during the day.


4 –Prevents diseases. The risk of many diseases such as CAD (coronary artery disease) obesity and certain cancers can be greatly reduced and even eliminated by a regular fitness program. Sedentary lifestyle is considered as severe a threat to our health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.


5 –Improves mood and dulls pain. Endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemical compounds, are released from nerve endings in our brain and spinal cord when we exercise, giving us a sense of well-being as well as reducing pain triggers. Feeling a bit blue? Feeling a little sore and achy? Exercise!*

*Please remember, that any sudden severe onset of pain and/or mood changes and chronic pain and depression need to be diagnosed by a medical professional so seek out that care and advice before embarking on any exercise program.


6 – Lowers elevated resting blood pressure (hypertension). Exercise strengthens you heart and makes it more efficient at pumping blood to your body. This keeps vessels walls open reducing the pressure. Please note that if you have been diagnosed with hypertension and/ or are on medication for this condition check with your physician for clearance.


7 – Improves skin tone by 1) aiding the production of collagen 2) toning muscles that help improve the appearance of skin 3) sweat from exercise flushing the body of toxins found in the environment.


8 – Increases your libido.   That means better and more sex! Need I say more?fit tips on Libito

Okay, I’ll explain it. 1) When the body circulates more blood to the body, especially the hip and pelvic region it also increases blood flow to the groin area helping increase desire. 2) Cardiovascular workouts will give you more stamina when in bed, plus improved muscle tone and flexibility make the experience more enjoyable. 3) The endorphins elevated from exercise are similar to those from sex. As we said earlier, feeling good is addicting and you’ll carry that over with you to the bedroom.

Exercise is medicine! Let that inspire you to get moving so you can live a fully functional,  joyous and rewarding life!